
Friday, January 14, 2011

Going on day 5

Yes, we are stir crazy.  Since the "snowpocalypse" happened five days ago, there has been no school and no leaving our little apartment.  Well, we went out to eat a block away the other night and James, sadly, had to return to school/work yesterday.  I am a little frightened of driving my little car on the ice with two kiddos, but I think today will be the day we venture out.  Maybe to Chick-a-play or somewhere crazy like that.

In the meantime, we have had a ton of quality family time!  We have played in the snow, played games, played with friends (Ethie), made cupcakes and pretzels, Just Dance(ed) for kids, cooked, put away the Christmas stuff, taken naps, practiced reading and math (Ethie), discovered toes (Lilah) and gotten along very nicely for the most part.  

It's been fun to cozy up together in our warm little apartment (thankful for heat and hot chocolate!), but I will be happy when life returns to normal next Tuesday.  I wonder what everyone else has been doing...


  1. This post brought all kinds of tears to my eyes. I found myself wanting to be there with all of you! We got really stir-crazy ourselves and ventured out on Wed to return movies so we wouldn't break our New Year's resolution about late fees. Alas, the combi was stuck until Friday. "Snowpocalypse"is my new favorite term for this event. "Snowcation" is one your dad brought home from the school.

    Thanks again for sharing your lives, sweet Lisa.


  2. I HAVE to find some of those icing dispensers!! What a fantastic idea!

    I see why my Grandma pointed me to your blog...I hope you don't mind having a new follower. :)

  3. Jeanette, thank you for being so loving toward me and my family. Your notes on here are always so kind! Wish we could see you more, but thankful for the time we get!

    Keri, I think the icing dispensers were at Borders. I love seeing you and your beautiful family on your blog!
