
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Wow, I can't believe it's a new year and that the old one is over!  2010 was a pretty wonderful year for us (graduating, moving, Lilah!), and we are looking forward to the surprises and changes that will come in 2011.  The end of 2010 was especially exciting and eventful, which is why I am so behind on blogging!  One thing that threw a major kink in my holiday organization was getting a yucky virus right before the break.  I still needed to make goodies, wrap presents, send out Christmas presents and cards, and pack for our trip, but I couldn't even get off the couch.  Thank goodness for an incredible hubby who made the goodies and wrapped the presents while he took care of the kiddos.  I did get a few presents sent, but Christmas cards did not happen this year.  We really enjoyed the ones we got, though, so thank you very much for thinking of us!   

I was so worried about Lilah getting sick since I was with her all day every day, and sure enough, the Sunday before Christmas she started the fever, runny nose, cough, blah.  We felt so bad for her!!!  It was so sad to see her all sick and not really knowing what was happening to her.  She was definitely not her happy self for our Christmas celebrations, which was so sad, and then we ended up taking her to the ER in the middle of the night after she'd had a high fever for a few days.  We were so worried about her, but they told us it was just a virus and we just had to wait it out.  At least it put our minds to ease a bit.  Unfortunately, Lilah passed along her germs to aunt Marianne and possibly Jeanette, so they were both sick over Christmas.  Not a fun way to spend the holidays!  So happy everyone is feeling better now!

Anyway, besides the sicky icky, it was a wonderful month full of celebration, thinking of the people we love, visiting with dear family and friends, good music, yummy food, and just enjoying the spirit of Christmas!  I love the feelings that come with this holiday and I found myself with tears several times thinking about the tiny baby Jesus who changed the world.  So grateful for His life and gifts to us.  So grateful for the opportunity to give and receive love from people we love at Christmas-time!  We surely missed our Ethie-man, who left for Ohio right before Christmas.  We had a celebration with him before he left and we can't wait to give him the rest of his presents when he gets back on Wednesday!

So I suppose I will post some pictures from our December and let them mostly speak for themselves.  Hope you all had a beautiful Christmas and felt lots of love and joy with the ones you love!

1 comment:

  1. I have to give credit where it's due... Lisa did do more than half of the gift-wrapping and treat-making, which are more important than the Christmas letter... (they'll just have to read the blog to find out how our year was).

